Hey, I’m Jessica,

I’m a Business and Mindset Coach based in New York.

I help leaders master their mindset, enhance their communication, and set successful strategies so that they can lead their business without stress.

Prior to starting my business, I climbed the corporate ladder in a competitive industry for a top five international bank. During my tenure, my team brought approximately 4 Billion Dollars in originations year after year, which was by far the most in the company.

What I found was that Coaching, not Managing people made me and my team successful in attaining our goals and cultivating meaningful relationships with each other and our clients.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my career, I always knew I was destined for more. Coaching and developing has always been a huge passion of mine, and I truly believe my proven process has help me and my clients achieve more in their businesses with ease and flow.

Despite having my first child at 19, being a single mom with no formal education, I was determined that this would not stop me from chasing my dreams. I wanted to be the best mom possible while having a successful, thriving career, which is exactly what I did.

I now want to share with you all my techniques and strategies so you can implement them into your lifestyle and start seeing amazing results at a faster pace with much less frustration and anxiety.

Imagine having a self-led team who takes responsibility, having strong boundaries, having an unshakeable confidence, never second guessing yourself and being able to spread that to your team... Sounds like a recipe for massive success and it all starts with YOU!

It’s time to start living your dream life and take action, and I’ll be here to guide you through every step of the way.

Remember to always enjoy the journey,

